Gen Z is reportedly suffering from more back pain than millennials and boomers, as a new survey by Slouch revealed 65% of 18 to 24-year-olds are experiencing the common desk-job ailment due to their poor posture at work. This is already more than their older millennial and boomer colleagues.

Speaking to 1,000 employees working remotely the staggering results showed only 39% actually work from a desk. As a result of DIY work setups on kitchen counters, coffee tables and sofas, a majority of Brits, 54%, are at risk of similar health issues due to dodgy work-from-home setups.

Osteopath James Davies revealed how people can simply fix their symptoms, teaming up with Slouch to address the whooping rise in physical health issues these working conditions are causing. He warned that poor posture doesn’t only impact your health in the moment but can also affect the work you’re trying to do.

He explained: “Poor posture occurs when the body expends too much energy to maintain a position, causing some areas of the body to overwork, disrupting important mechanisms in the body, such as breathing patterns. Muscles and joints can suffer from poor posture, leading to chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. This pain can become a constant distraction, making it difficult to concentrate on work.”

Slouching or a hunched posture can also impact your breathing by reducing oxygen intake which can cause fatigue and headaches, further decreasing your productivity according to the expert. To fix this, the osteopath recommended people take more “regular mini breaks” by getting up from their work station “if something doesn’t feel right”.

Pilates instructor Eloise Skinner explained what good posture looks like: “When working from home should involve both feet placed firmly on the floor with your hips level and at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your spine is in ‘neutral’ – this is its natural position, making sure to avoid arching the lower back or rounding the upper back. Ensure your neck is aligned with your spine, avoiding the chin moving forwards, the desk providing a 90-degree angle for your elbows, and computer screen at eye height.”

James noted that a simple reset can prevent stiffness and improve circulation while giving your mind a break with some time away from screens. His other suggestions included incorporating some breathing exercises such as deep belly breathing during work and taking on routines like yoga or pilates outside of work.

Two other exercises the expert recommended are shoulder rolls, chest openers like raising your chin, spreading your arms and taking deep breaths without raising your shoulders as well as neck stretches, tilting your ear to your shoulder for 10 seconds on each side.

One unsuspecting change James encouraged revolves around your tech as he pointed out that having comfortable, ergonomic furniture, keyboards, mice and secondary screens if needed.