After eight years of weaponizing the justice department against Trump, spending millions upon millions of dollars, wasting countless weeks, months, and years with a singular focus to take Trump out of the running, it appears the left has failed monumentally. The left relentlessly pushed Biden (their malleable puppet) to forefront, while seething that a vote for Trump was a vote against democracy. One must wonder what actually could have been achieved in government, lo these many years, had the Dems dedicated this same time to actually governing, rather than being consumed with ridding the political world of Trump. As it has been so wisely said, “Be careful what you wish for!” They wanted Trump gone and he remains. Now they want Biden gone and would you look at that? He has finally agreed to step aside. One can only imagine what largess his family negotiated for his exit. Now that he has decided to leave, who is left? Kamala Harris, who absolutely destroys the English language as she tries to make a legacy quote. Oh, what it is to laugh. Those who scheme to cause their opponent to implode have ultimately caused their own implosion. Pass the popcorn, this ‘show’ has me at the edge of my seat.

Monique Simandl

(Who gets elected is consequential to Canada as well. Remember, one of the first things Joe Biden did when he became president was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. President Trump wants to open up that pipeline)

Re “Havoc in the air over glitch” (The Associated Press, July 20): Long retired from computer life. We always got a chuckle when the “financial institutions” would have a problem that affected customers …”we had a glitch.” Who was this guy “glitch”? Finally, companies are owning up to “human error”… bad test plans. With this current glitch, governments should not be concerned with nuclear bombs but with this. Glitches like this can bring the world to a standstill. Our enemies are monitoring what we do. Think about it.

Ron St. Louis

(Perhaps they need to revisit all of these systems being monitored by one company)