The race to the White House took yet another tortuous turn Sunday when President Joe Biden withdrew from the race for re-election.

In doing so, he endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to be top of the Democratic ticket. With the convention just a month away, it’s almost certain she’ll be the nominee. She’s a known quantity, although she’s hardly set the world on fire with her performance as V-P. The question now is who’ll be her V-P running mate?

The past eight days have, arguably, been the most consequential in modern U.S. history.

A little more than a week ago, an assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump caused a tectonic shift in the campaign. In the wake of that assault, in which one person died and two others were injured, Trump’s tone changed from combative to conciliatory.

Biden’s 11th hour withdrawal alters the shape of the election campaign that was increasingly looking like a Trump landslide.

Biden’s dismal performance in the recent presidential debate left little doubt he had to go. Harsh though it seems, sometimes it’s an act of love to take the car keys from grandpa.

While his loyalists insisted the octogenarian’s cognitive function was just fine, it became increasingly apparent he was having problems in the verbal sparring match with Trump. At 81, Biden would have been the oldest presidential nominee ever. That dubious distinction now falls to Trump, 78.


The more Biden dithered, the weaker he looked. Donors balked at forking over cash for a campaign that appeared headed for the rocks. The party was plunged into disarray and division.

Biden’s withdrawal has already raised calls for him to step down as president. There’s a school of thought that says if he’s unfit to run again, he’s unfit to govern for the next six months. Those pressures should be resisted. The world has seen enough turmoil over the last three years in general and the last few days in particular.

Biden has a four-year mandate. There’s a competent cabinet in place.

He’s finally shown grace by withdrawing from the race. Let him do so in his own time. There’s no need for a palace coup. The world doesn’t need more chaos.

Whatever Biden’s weaknesses, he showed strength in knowing it was time to step aside.