I survived the Great Toronto Flood of 2024 — who knew? I saw it as a heavy rainstorm. If the politically correct, tree-hugging, left-wing pinkos governed this city properly, Toronto would not be experiencing the infrastructure deficiencies that are quite apparent to all reasonable-minded citizens, not the cycling, left-wing politicians who are cycling Toronto into obliteration.

Don Ross

(They are focussed on all the wrong things)


Re “Down the drain” (Brian Lilley, July 17): If you run for city councillor on a platform of fixing the sewers or doing a better job of picking up garbage, you will not get elected. You have to promise things that people can see. As a result, infrastructure is not a priority. But what is the job of a city councillor? It is to make sure that the garbage is picked up, the sewers work, the water is turned on, and the roads are repaired. Many city councillors do not see infrastructure as their main priority.

Rick Hird

(It’s because they are bored with doing the basics. Why are cities involved in healthcare? Or immigration? Councils all across the country suffer from this mission creep)


Although I’m a fiscal conservative and read your paper religiously (mostly for the sports), I’m becoming very disturbed at the amount of print space you are giving to Trump (and Vance) lately. All this does is perpetuate indecency as this guy pushes an ideology of hate. Oh, and he is a convicted felon, after all. You can do better. Don’t give this guy what he craves: Attention.

Steve Baechler
Niagara Falls, Ont.

(There is no bigger story right now than the US Presidential race. Oh and he just survived an assassination attempt. Would you rather us not cover the most significant story in the world?


There has been a lot of criticism about the money that Liberal-appointed Climate Ambassador Catherine Stewart has spent on trips and luxury hotels, and rightfully so. I’m as anxious as anyone to see the end of the boy king, but let’s be honest. The new regime will operate in the same excessive manner. They are all self-indulgent narcissists regardless of what political party they’re from.

M. Benson

(We don’t think Poilievre – if he becomes PM – will have a climate ambassador)