What better way to spend a Friday afternoon than with a glass of wine and scoffing probably the best pasta you can find in Bristol. Freshly made on site every morning, paired with sauces made from the finest local ingredients, surely it doesn’t get much better than this.

Inside a shipping container behind the M Shed at Wapping Wharf is the cosy Magari restaurant. There are just a few tables inside and a few more outside, with rolling pins hung on one wall and a view into the kitchen on the other.

Set out on the first page of a brief menu is the restaurant’s ethos — adapting traditional Italian recipes to seasonal ingredients, sourced from local farmers in the region around Bristol. Simple cooking, based on the quality of ingredients, rather than the complexity of the recipes.

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The menu reads: “We visited producers in the South West of England in search of the tastiest and most special products and were happily surprised by the discoveries we made and the people we met.

“Going in search of the ‘real’ recipe of any preparation, we realised that the real recipes, in reality, do not exist. Instead, among many variations, there are those that make us feel good, connected to the land we surround ourselves in, a region of delicious food and quality produce.”

The drinks menu is brief, but eclectic, too. There are just two choices for a bottle of red and one for a bottle of white, or a glass of Sangiovese red, Trebbiano white, or Pinot Grigio rosé — along with Aperol, Campari, Limoncello, and freshly made lemonade that tasted tart and not too sweet.

Magari offers a lunch deal for a bargain £10, which includes a pasta dash and a soft drink, from Monday to Friday between 12pm and 3pm. A glass of wine, unfortunately, costs extra.

We began with a burrata to share, a giant white ball on top of a bed of rocket, tomatoes and pesto. It was incredible — fresh, buttery and light and the first slice oozed creamy cheese across the salad.

The courgette pasta dish at Magari
The summery courgette pasta dish at Magari

For our mains, I went for a ragu, while my partner chose the courgette special. The ragu was made with sausages from the acclaimed Clifton butchers Ruby & White, based on Whiteladies Road, as well as fennel seeds and a mature and zingy cheese called Sussex Charmer. The pasta itself had a proper bite to it, and the whole dish was rich and complex, and paired perfectly with a glass of red wine and several contented sighs.

The courgette special was much lighter and felt more appropriate for the warm summer weather. Drenched on top were olive oil, breadcrumbs and loads of lemon zest, making the dish fresh and well textured. It was hard to tell which one I preferred, as they were both exceptionally tasty.

Both pasta dishes were very generous portions, and left barely any room for a dessert afterwards. But of course we found space for a tiramisu to share, and another glass of wine. The tiramisu was interesting, as the staff were honest and said it had been freshly made and hadn’t been given enough time for the espresso to soak into the biscuits.

Magari is housed inside a converted shipping container
Magari is housed inside a converted shipping container (Image: Paul Gillis/Bristol Live)

This gave it quite a different and unusual texture to normal tiramisu, with much more crunch. Personally I found it even better than normal, but my partner disagreed as the coffee flavour hadn’t really permeated throughout the rest of the dessert yet.

What sets Magari apart is quite simply the outstanding quality of the pasta itself, which is freshly made on site every day. The cheap dried pasta you can buy from the supermarket, anaemic and bland and soft, is a world apart from the proper, chewy and complex taste that pasta should really have, as it does in Italy.

And what’s really marvellous about Magari is that you can buy uncooked pasta to take away with you. We paid £2.50 for a paper bag with two portions which we promptly scoffed up the next day. The service throughout was friendly and warm, and we are keen to return soon.