Sir Keir Starmer vowed the “challenges of the recent past” would not impact Britain’s future EU relationship as he seeks to use a new summit to agree an EU migration deal.

It comes as the Prime Minister is set to announce the redeployment of more than 100 Home Office staff from the Migration and Economic Development Partnership (MEDP) and redeploy them to a new rapid returns unit.

Starmer will host leaders from across Europe at the European Political Community summit today at Blenheim Palace.

The Labour leader is also pledging to help lead the Europe-wide effort to combat organised immigration crime, and the people smuggling gangs trading in human lives, in co-operation with and individual member states.

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Sir Keir Starmer is set to host the event at Blenheim Palace later today


Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said: “We cannot let the challenges of the recent past define our relationships of the future. That is why European security will be at the forefront of this Government’s foreign and defence priorities, and why I am focused on seizing this moment to renew our relationship with Europe.

“The EPC will fire the starting gun on this government’s new approach to Europe, one that will not just benefit us now, but for generations to come, from dismantling the people smuggling webs trafficking people across Europe, to standing up to Putin’s barbaric actions in Ukraine and destabilising activity across Europe.

“My government was elected with a mandate for change. I asked the British people to judge me by my actions, not words. This meeting of European leaders is an opportunity to push on and begin delivering on the people’s priorities.

“We will only be able to secure our borders, drive economic growth and defend our democracies if we work together.”

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Yvette Cooper


Home Secretary Yvette Cooper added that she recognised the dangers of small boats crossings and promised to “transform” the UK’s asylum system.

She said: “Dangerous small boat crossings are undermining our border security and putting lives at risk. Criminal smuggling gangs are making millions out of small boat crossings and the Tories left us with gimmick rather than grip. We will work right across Europe to tackle this problem at source, going after those profiting from this awful trade and bringing them to justice.

“The new Border Security Command will be a major step change in UK enforcement efforts to tackle organised immigration crime, drawing on substantial resource to work across Europe and beyond to disrupt trafficking networks and deliver justice.

“At the same time, work is underway to transform the UK’s asylum system and accelerate decision-making, with a new returns and enforcement unit being set up in the Home Office to fast-track the removal of those with no right to be in the UK.”

The Prime Minister is expected to host a number of meetings with key European leaders later today, including Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

He is also expected to attend a meeting of the Moldova Group to underline Moldova’s sovereignty and democracy in the face of Russian interference.