Belfast is preparing to celebrate its Pride Festival, which begins on Friday and runs to July 28.

Honouring diversity and equality, over 150 events will take place across the 10 days in one of the city’s biggest events.

The centre piece is the Pride Parade on July 27.

Jules McDonagh (44), desk and retentions manager at Fibrus, has been attending since 1988.

Jules McDonagh with one of her boys

“Pride is really important to me as an individual and it’s important that my children also take part,” she says of sons Xavier and James Arthur.

“My two boys have also attended every year with me, and they love it too.

“I really believe that it is important for children to embrace being themselves and to be brought up in an inclusive culture.

“I teach my kids to be kind to others and respect them. They absolutely love attending pride and we love going as a family. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate with family and friends.”

Jules, partner Laura and the boys will attend this year’s parade and enjoy the day together catching up with friends.

“It is great to see it so well attended and growing year on year. It really is a fantastic celebration of inclusivity,” she says.

The parade in particular is something Jules calls “a great day of celebration”.

“I’d encourage people to attend and show their support, and most importantly bring your children — they will love it.

“The children are the future of Belfast, so it is important that even at an early age they too realise the need for inclusivity and what a wonderful place this can be when we celebrate everyone’s individuality and all that we have to offer.”

It’s a busy time for Jules, who has recently completed a Masters in development management.

Juggling a full-time job with two children and studying was difficult, but rewarding.

“I find that the key is being as organised as possible,” she explains.

“It has been very worthwhile, though, because I believe self-development is so important and we can only improve for our team and customers if we continue to learn and educate ourselves.”

Jules during her recent graduation

Jules has worked for Fibrus since 2022, and delivering exceptional customer experiences as vital to her role.

“I am passionate about managing people and really enjoy setting people up for success and seeing agents thrive and succeed,” she says.

“Our team goes above and beyond for our customers and continuously exceed expectations, which make it a great team to be part of.

“Fibrus is a really inclusive company that places a focus on diversity and inclusion. Working in what is a traditionally male-dominated industry such as telecoms, it is great to have an employer that is so supportive and actively celebrates diversity in the workplace.”

At home, it’s a Lego-friendly house, which Jules describes as a “fantastic” way for her younger son, who has autism and ADHD, to become engaged and focused on something he enjoys.

“We love Lego in our house. It is a great activity for us to do together and have some bonding time. The door will often knock with a delivery, and I’ll be on the phone to my partner Laura asking her what she’s ordered — normally Lego!”

For more information on Belfast Pride, see