Liz Truss has said she wants Donald Trump to win the Presidential election in November, saying people will support someone who fights for their values.

The former Prime Minister also said she wants to find out who signed off the ‘personal attacks’ which were included in official documents put out by the civil service.

Speaking on GB News, Liz Truss said: “I want Trump to win the election. I think it’s vital, I think the West is in serious danger. I think Biden has been an incredibly weak president. We’ve seen the war in Ukraine, the attack on Israel, China strengthened, and unless we do something about it, unless we Conservatives go and support Donald Trump and make it clear that we need him in the White House for the future, not just of America, for the future of the free world, we are in serious, serious trouble.

“[Labour] will have to form a relationship with Trump. I do believe Trump will win; I think people are realising, particularly after the assassination attempt, and Trump’s strength in responding to that, the fighting spirit.

“I’ve been here for four days at the convention, I’ve seen the reaction to Trump and his strength really, really comes across. And that is what people want, not just in America, but also in Britain.

“They really want a sense that we are prepared to fight for our values, that we’re prepared to fight for freedom, for democracy, for our sovereignty, for things that we believe in. And they’re fed up of the left wing, wokery, the human rights culture that’s actually damaged our countries.

“Ironically, we’ve got a Labour government in Britain, just when people are turning against those ideas across the West.”

Turning to her complaints about official documents describing her mini-budget as ‘disastrous’ she said:

“It was absolutely outrageous. This was an official document prepared by civil servants on that launched a political attack on me and a personal attack on me. Those attacks are wrong.

“What happened in October 2022 was largely down to failures of the Bank of England to regulate the pensions industry.

“But worse than that, we have so called impartial civil servants putting political attacks in a government document. And what has happened is I’ve complained to the cabinet secretary, he has had that removed from the website, but there’s nothing yet about pulping all the documents that have been put out, impugning my name and the name of my government.

“There’s a clear acknowledgement that it was wrong, it’s been removed. But I want to know, because this document will have been seen at the highest levels in the civil service, who signed this off. Who signed off these personal attacks on me, these untruths?

“’I’m very, very worried. We have Sue Gray, who was a former leading civil servant now Keir Starmer’s chief of staff. We have numerous former civil servants that have come out in favour of the Labor Party.

“I’m very concerned that we don’t have an impartial civil service anymore. We have people that share left wing groups. What does that mean for our democracy?

“Labour won’t face these problems because the groupthink is on their side and this is exactly what this wording in the King’s speech document shows, that there are people within the civil service that share the political outlook of the Labour Party and aren’t remotely ashamed.”