A promise to ban conversion therapy has “lingered in the lobby of good intentions for far too long”, Sir Keir Starmer said as he committed to a draft Bill to legislate against such practices.

The Government said its Conversion Practices Bill will deliver on a manifesto commitment to bring forward a “full, trans-inclusive ban on conversion practices”.

A ban on conversion therapy, which aims to suppress or change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, was first promised in 2018, by former Conservative prime minister Theresa May.

It was later downgraded under Boris Johnson’s leadership not to include transgender people, but the Conservative Government under Rishi Sunak said in January 2023 that it would ban conversion therapy for “everyone”, including transgender people.

This did not come to pass, with the Tories saying legislation around such practices “is a very complex issue, with existing criminal law already offering robust protections”.

On Wednesday, announcing that work will begin on a ban, Sir Keir said it was “a promise that has lingered in the lobby of good intentions for far too long”.

Former Conservative health secretary Victoria Atkins previously warned that this could be “ripe territory for the law of unintended consequences”, with concerns around the potential for criminalising people who are trying to support those with “gender distress”.

The new Labour Government has said its Bill, for England and Wales, “must not cover legitimate psychological support, treatment, or non-directive counselling” and “must also respect the important role that teachers, religious leaders, parents and carers can have in supporting those exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity”.

It said the Bill will propose new offences covering practices not captured by existing legislation.

It said: “The Government wants to ensure that the criminal law offers protection from these abusive practices, while also preserving the freedom for people, and those supporting them, to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.

“This will mean those providing medical care and support are in no way impacted by this Bill.”

Labour referred to research by LGBT+ anti-abuse charity Galop in 2022 which said trans people were “significantly more likely to be subjected to conversion practices”.

The Government has insisted there is cross-party and cross-society consensus to see conversion practices banned, and pledged to “work closely with everyone and bring everyone with us” in developing legislation.