Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his predecessor Rishi Sunak were spotted joking with each other as they headed into the House of Lords for the King’s Speech.

Following Black Rod, the pair strolled through the Commons together as they made their way to spectate King Charles’s speech.

Speaking on GB News, royal commentator Rafe Heydel-Mankoo pointed out how the roles were reversed just eight months ago.

But today it is Keir Starmer’s agenda being set out after his Labour Party dealt the Tories a crushing blow in this month’s General Election.

Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak spoke to Keir Starmer as they headed to the House of Lords


It came as protesters threatened to mar proceedings as they set up shop outside Parliament with pro-Palestine and Republic demonstrations taking place simultaneously.

Ten members of Youth Demand have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause public nuisance, the Metropolitan Police confirmed.

Further arrests were taking place in Victoria Embankment Gardens where up to 25 more demonstrators had gathered.

A spokesperson said: “When political leaders don’t have the guts or the moral backbone to lift a finger for the people of Palestine after months of public outcry, it becomes clear how broken our political system is. Meanwhile the police protect those in power making the decisions that are destroying people’s lives.

“It is increasingly obvious to ordinary people that the only way we are going to see meaningful change is through civil disobedience.

“The Government must protect life here and abroad by seeing an immediate halt to weapons trading with Israel and an immediate cancellation of all fossil fuel licences granted by the Tories since 2021.”

But the King was able to carry out setting out Starmer’s agenda regardless, telling the House of Lords it will be “based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all”.