Rioting which involved children as young as seven has been condemned as “wholly destructive and pointless”.

The Police Federation hit out after PSNI officers came under attack as major disorder flared for a second successive night in Belfast.

Trouble broke out in the Broadway area of south Belfast.

Children as young as seven threw paint, bottles and petrol bombs at police.

Liam Kelly, who chairs the Police Federation, condemned the violence.

“This behaviour that we have seen over two nights in the Village-Broadway area is wholly destructive and pointless,” he said today.

“People living in the immediate area of this disorder have had their lives turned upside down with damage caused to properties.”

No one has been injured in the riots, but Mr Kelly fears if the disturbances continue officers and members of the public could be hurt.

“Thankfully, our officers have escaped injury in these vicious attacks,” he added.

Police deal with a second night of disorder on July 16th 2024 (Photo by Kevin Scott)

“They have succeeded in holding the line and restoring peace to this area. There is no excuse for the violent scenes we have witnessed or the wilful and mindless targeting of officers who are doing their best to protect the entire community.

“This street disorder has to stop. Nothing can be gained by rival groups inflicting such upheaval on families living in this area.

“Our officers will continue to maintain the rule of law and conduct professional policing operations until the gangs engaged in this street violence desist.”

A man (38) has been arrested for his involvement in the disorder.

On Monday and Tuesday night officers came under sustained attack by crowds of around 40 people at Glenmachan Street close to the Broadway roundabout.

Children were seen hurling items at police lines during six hours of disorder in which several police vehicles were damaged and officers covered in paint.

Police had been on the ground in the area from 2pm yesterday.

However, officers came under attack shortly after 7pm last night when masked youths gathered in the Village area of the city.

Officers in riot gear responded, containing the group inside Glenmachan Street.

Images from the disorder show older males encouraging young children, some understood to be aged seven to get involved.

Calm was restored to the area around 1.45am this morning.

A PSNI spokesperson said at around 7am: “All road closures in south Belfast have been lifted this morning following last night’s disorder; however debris remains on the roads as the clean-up operation continues. Please exercise caution if travelling in the area, and seek an alternative route if possible.”

Police attacked with petrol bombs and fireworks during night of disorder in Belfast

Earlier on Tuesday, South Belfast DUP MLA Edwin Poots had warned that someone could be seriously injured or worse.

“I was in the community this morning, and people are very upset that they cannot live in peace in their own homes,” he said.

“They want it to stop and action to be taken. There is a very clear message from the local community that this is not something that they want to live with.

“Many of these people lived through the Troubles, and there were a large number of people murdered here.”

On Monday night, bricks and bottles were also thrown at police, before the young people started to leave the area just after 1am.

Mr Poots said: “Somebody is going to get hurt soon. What might seem fun to a lot of them will turn into something not so fun when one of their friends is in the hospital, seriously injured.”

Sinn Fein MP Paul Maskey added: “Scenes of disorder and anti-social behaviour in the Broadway area over recent days are deeply concerning and totally unacceptable. This reckless activity is not representative of this city and is in stark contrast to the hugely positive work that is being done to continue the positive transformation of Belfast.

“I would appeal for calm in the area and urge young people not to get caught up in this type of activity, which could have a detrimental impact on their future and lead to a criminal record.”

Alliance MLA Kate Nicholl said: “I am disgusted, disappointed and angry at this. What possesses people to go out and carry out such attacks on those who are there to protect us?

“My thoughts are with all the officers who were attacked in this horrendous incident. I am thankful none were injured.

“Those involved have done nothing but bring misery and disruption to residents, workers and anyone else affected.”

SDLP councillor Paul Doherty said: “I know a lot of elderly people in the area who are very fearful of leaving their homes. No one wants this. They are asking young people to step away.

“They have had enough. They have lived their lives suffering with these types of activities and types of violence. They are calling on them to put an end to it.”