A man alleged to have supplied an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle that was used to shoot up the exterior of an east-end car dealership run by alleged Montreal Mafia member Marco Pizzi was recently denied bail.

In a decision delivered on Friday, Quebec Court Judge Dennis Galiatsatos ordered that Mathieu Scott-Dumont, 27, remain behind bars while he faces charges related to the Sept. 4, 2023 shooting at Gestion Automobile Plus on Notre-Dame St. E.

“During a relentless and violent war between two rival organized crime clans, there is no question that the court should release individuals who organize drive-by shootings that place the public in danger. Such a decision would discredit the administration of justice,” Galiatsatos wrote in a 42-page decision.

Four other men arrested following the shooting have renounced their right to a bail hearing. A fifth man has yet to have his bail hearing scheduled.

The same car dealership was targeted by arson several times in 2022 and 2023. During the bail hearing, Pizzi was described as an “influential member of the Montreal Mafia.” Galiatsatos heard evidence that the motivation behind the shooting might have been “a conflict between the Hells Angels and the Mafia.”

It is believed a dealership employee told those behind the shooting that no one would be inside the building when it took place, at 10:39 p.m. Scott-Dumont’s cellphone records placed his phone close to the dealership shortly after 1 a.m. on Sept. 3, two nights before the shooting.

Galiatsatos was also presented with evidence that someone involved in the shooting filmed what transpired to prove to those who ordered it that the job was carried out. The video was seized by the Montreal police. Scott-Dumont is alleged to have been one of two people who gave the order and supplied the AR-15. The decision notes he is alleged to have ties to the Hells Angels.

He also faces charges related to how, two days after the shooting, he is alleged to have intimidated some of the men involved after they were informed they wouldn’t be paid money they were promised. He is also charged with using a fake firearm to carry out an armed assault during the dispute.

According to the decision, the four men who took part in the shooting were supposed to split $15,000 between them but only the person alleged to have discharged the AR-15 received $1,000. The other three men did not receive a dime.

The four men were arrested early on Nov. 1, while Scott-Dumont was arrested in an apartment in Lachine on Feb. 8. A bulletproof vest and a loaded 9 mm pistol were found in one of the rooms of the apartment. Police also found what appeared to be the detailed schematics of an indoor marijuana growing operation. The prosecution believes the schematics might have been part of a plan to rob the owners of the grow-op as the drawing was accompanied with the note: “There could be more stock here. Coke. Cash.”

In another room in the apartment, police found 29 bullets that matched the calibre, brand and markings found on the 10 spent shell casings recovered from the scene of the crime.

The judge also decided to revoke Scott-Dumont’s release in a different case, in which he was charged with possessing 18 methamphetamine pills.

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