The Belfast Telegraph Top 100 Companies 2024, in partnership with Grant Thornton, has been launched.

The event at Belfast’s Titanic Hotel was attended by Economy Minister Conor Murphy and leaders of many of the firms on the list, including the number one business, Randox Holdings.

Compiled by economist Maureen O’Reilly, the Top 100 lists companies in order of profitability, with Randox, based in Crumlin, securing the top spot with pre-tax profits of £189.8m in the year to June 2022.

Speaking at the event, which was hosted by UTV journalist Sarah Clarke, Mr Murphy said: “The Top 100 companies are exemplars of the type of companies we want to grow right across the North, so I’m delighted to be here to recognise your contribution to the economy and to celebrate your success.

“As Economy Minister, my role is to support you, to build upon your success and to remove any barriers that stand in your way.

“With fresh leadership in Invest NI, greater certainty on our trading relationships and considerable international goodwill, we have an opportunity to write a new and more prosperous chapter in our economy.”

Richard Gillan, managing partner of Grant Thornton Northern Ireland, said: “Each year, the Belfast Telegraph’s Top 100 Companies launch event showcases the breadth and depth of our economy and the companies that make it what it is.

“There is a real sense of positivity and dynamism in the room when so many successful business leaders come together, and it was palpable once again.

“From indigenous firms to established global brands, the Top 100 celebrates the present, as well as the future for business in Northern Ireland. It is evident that they all share the values of setting the highest standards, engendering best practice and driving business growth.

“It was a privilege to hear from Economy Minister Conor Murphy MLA, whose vision for the economy set an upbeat tone for the future. Let’s make sure we capitalise on the opportunities that are in front of us, while tackling the challenges that exist.”

The Economy Minister reiterated the four main objectives of his economic vision of promoting regional balance, reducing carbon emissions and raising productivity.

He added: “Like other Executive departments, the Economy portfolio faces difficult challenges brought on by pressures on the budget.

“But I will continue to work constructively with what I have and am developing actions which will move us in the right direction.

“Over the coming weeks and months, the department will launch local economic plans backed up by a restructure of Invest NI to strengthen regional offices.”

Mr Murphy said he intended to work closely with businesses, “because it’s only by working together that we reach our full economic potential”.

“I’d like to congratulate the businesses recognised in today’s list,” he continued.

“Your success inspires ambition and confidence in others.”